Monday, October 4, 2010

slow down

I am most at rest in the country. I have distanced myself a lot from my past, so most of my friends don't know that I was a farm girl or don't think of me that way because I'm so far removed from that now. I don't think I want to be a farm girl again, but I wouldn't mind living in the country again.

This past weekend I got to go stay with the grandparents/parents of some of my friends at their home in the country. I have been out to their house before, and I love going out there because it is just so restful and peaceful and the pace is so much slower. They still believe in sitting down and visiting and Sunday afternoon naps. I did take a Sunday afternoon nap, but I also used some of my Sunday afternoon to take some pictures of their place.

tomatoes still on the vine

baby calves are so cute!!!

This was my favorite shot of the day. :)
Where do you feel most at home?

1 comment:

  1. I havn't decided.
    I love my grandparents adorable little red house in PA, but the Lake surprisingly wins this round.
